Learn About Beverage Labels

You might think that with easy access to clean water, and the ability for anyone to make coffee and tea (and even beer!) relatively cheaply, there wouldn't be much of a market for custom beverage labels. But people tend to get bored with the easy and the same, so there is, in fact, a booming custom printed beverage labels market in North America—for everything from beer and wine labels to soda labels, tea labels of all kinds, and especially water bottle labels. We all need emergency supplies, after all.
Beverage labels have specific requirements, mostly having to do with their ability to withstand short-term exposure to liquids during consumption or preparation. Most custom beverage labels are made of paper to keep costs down, and that's usually sufficient, although high-acid juices or carbonized beverages like beer and sodas may require laminated bottle labels. They all definitely need inks that won't fade, blur, or transfer just because a little of the contents or condensation have soaked into the bottle labels. Beverage label adhesives only have to be somewhat waterproof, and able to stand up to minimal refrigeration and heat, so you don't have to go to heroic lengths to keep your soda or wine bottle labels from falling off. Some beverage labels actually wash or flake off when scrubbed, to make it easier to recycle the containers.
At Etiquette Systems, we're more than happy to cater to your beverage label needs, whether you bottle water or milk, manufacture old favorites like cream soda, or need beverage labels for more experimental concoctions like curry lemonade or deer penis wine. (And you thought putting worms in tequila was weird!) Custom beverage labels are a growing part of our business, contributing more than ever to our cash flow and liquid assets, if you'll forgive the puns. Consumers are more adventurous these days, and are becoming more aware of the wide range of beverages out there—there's an increasing need for beverage bottle labels of all kinds. This heightened interest increases competition, which generates more interest and benefits both you and the consumer… as well as your humble custom beverage label printer.
With increased competition comes a need for custom beverage labels that are eye-catching and unique, so they stand out on the shelves amidst all the other bottles. We'll be happy to help you design or jazz up your tea bottle label, beer bottle label, water bottle label, or even deer penis wine bottle label to make it stand out (yes, that product really exists). You should also give some thought to whether you'd like round labels, rectangular labels, square labels, or even bottleneck labels to go with your main bottle labels; we can help you with any of these, since we've either got the shapes on hand or can easily make them. If you'd like clear labels that fade into the background so the logo and lettering pop out, we've got that too; ditto for metallic labels, or transparent labels with metallic letters for that matter. Depending on the competition, you might want to go whole hog to attract attention… or depending on the beverage, whole deer.
Whatever your needs, Etiquette Systems can print the custom beverage labels of your dreams!8
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