Freezer Stickers

Variety may be the spice of life, but it's not what we've been seeing from a lot of erstwhile fridge and freezer sticker providers on the Web recently. As we've surveyed the competition, we've noticed that a lot of sites that claim to sell freezer labels and refrigerator labels only offer a few styles or shapes in one or two materials, and those freezer sheet labels don't even come with quick delivery or a guarantee of quality. Based on the prices, though, they sure are proud of their freezer stickers.
Either that, or they think no one can tell the difference between their freezer stickers and ours. We think it's obvious, but we also have no problem with tooting our own horn, so we'll tell you anyway.
All our freezer sheet labels—in fact every sheet label we sell—is printed in-house on our superior-quality printing press, and every single one uses an adhesive and either a paper or vinyl face stock that resist moisture and are tough enough to hold on and last in temperatures as cold as -60 degrees. That's 60 below zero, which most people never get within shouting distance of in real life. But we make sure all our freezer stickers can handle those extremes, because you just never know. They may end up used for the supplies of the next Antarctic expedition, and if we were them, we'd just stick all our freezable supplies outside. Our freezer labels could handle it without any qualms, because even in the Antarctic, the temperature rarely falls below sixty below.
Assuming the expedition members knew how to label freezer food and other supplies properly (and you'd think they would teach them that), then they shouldn't have any problems with their freezer stickers coming off due to moisture or cold, both of which would probably be abundant. Even in places where it doesn't snow much, it tends to build up over the centuries.
If our freezer stickers can survive that kind of cold, we're pretty sure they'll do fine with the average home or commercial freezer. So whether you're a manufacturer or a home consumer who freezes a lot of stuff, we'll be happy to send you a quote for your freezer stickers needs. Just let us know the details on our quote form, and we'll send you a quote right away.