Cover-Up Labels

Despite their name, cover-up labels aren't political spin tools used to hide scandals. No, manufacturers and retailers use cover-up labels to hide packaging mistakes, old label information that no longer applies, and outdated or changed package information—and they're especially good for fixing damaged or incorrectly-printed barcodes that might otherwise be misread by a scanner. You can even use custom printed cover-up labels to obscure old asset tracking labels that aren't easily removable.
Custom cover-up labels can be made from most stock materials, from paper to plastic, as long as they include a high-opacity layer or block-out adhesive. These custom block-out labels hide everything up to and including multicolored graphics, replacing what's there with what you now want to show instead. Block-out labels are widely used in manufacturing to save money on repackaging. Even if you've never used them before, you've probably noticed cover-up labels on packages in the past. If you've seen them and wandered "What the heck?", well, now you know.
This type of custom cover-up label is especially handy when a barcode is built into or printed on a product: a paperback book, for example. Let's say you've got a slew of books that you want to sell at a discount, and they're already in your register's barcode system with specific prices. Rather than change all those prices one by one, just have us print you some nice inexpensive cover-up labels with block-out adhesive, using one discount code. Add that to your system, have someone stick the new labels over the old barcode labels, and you're done. These custom block-out labels will keep the scanner from picking up data from the old label underneath.
As long as this type of cover-up label works until the product is out the door, you're good. But some need to last much longer—as in years. This may be the case for asset-tracking or warehouse use. In this case, we can print custom cover-up labels using tough synthetic materials to block the old labels, whether they're for car parts, wooden pallets, metal file cabinets, furniture, or what have you. It's a simple matter for us to print sequential custom cover-up barcode labels for this use, as soon as we know the type of material they'll be used on. If you have a range of materials to cover (like a mix of wooden and plastic furniture and metal tools), we can also supply generalized custom cover-up labels that stick to anything.
Now, we realize that you Do-It-Yourselfers might want to print your own cover-up labels on your laser or inkjet printer. We can still help, since we carry prepared blank adhesive cover-up labels. You need it, we got it —just ask for a quote!