Fluorescent Labels

Clear round labels have a variety of usages, not least as closure seals for packages. You’ve probably tried to open a new package of something, especially electronic goods, and have been frustrated by a clear round seal used to keep it shut. Unless you want to tear up the package, you have to cut the round labels. Clearly, they make great tamper-resistant seals, and can also be used to seal envelopes, too.
Otherwise, what do you think of when you think of round clear labels? You may visualize window decals, used for businesses and autos — an excellent use for clear round labels, whether of the static cling type or adhesive clear round labels. Large clear round decals announcing your great deals are perfect for your storefront, since their transparency doesn’t block much of the view inside—and it makes your offers pop. As for auto glass, round clear labels are great for parking permits, apartment building identifiers, and the like.
Some of you might key on the use of round labels as envelope seals—like the colored or clear round seals on that Christmas card you got from your doctor’s office last year. Round clear labels also come in handy for sealing magazines, brochures, and other reading material sent through the mail, so that they don’t open up and get rumpled. Custom clear round labels can also be used for a variety of inventory control and tracking purposes, especially when you need a simple label that won’t obscure important printing or features.
For all you marketers out there, custom clear round labels are an excellent way to accent your mailings and make them look classy. This is an easy way to increase your conversion rate, since prospects are more likely to open (and respond to) mailings that are particularly sharp or unusual-looking. The best part is, you can have your round clear labels printed with an additional message for your customer, to help them decide to buy.