Craft Beer Labels

Most beer drinkers have had the experience of "peeling the label"—sitting there chatting with someone or finding yourself deep in thought, whereupon you start peeling the label of the bottle of beer you're drinking. Something becomes sglaringly obvious pretty quickly: most beer labels are thin paper, glued to the bottle with paste -- cheap and tacky. In their effort to conquer the effects of cold and moisture, most beer manufacturers use enough glue on their beer labels to weld the Titanic together..
This is one reason I'm fond of craft beers: small batch microbrews. Not only are they tasty, often unique, and almost always top-quality, craft beers use classier labels than Big Beer, while offering more beer variety. With craft beers, you can drink something different every day for a month and not even made the rounds of all the different types of beer.
Our craft beer labels are special, because not only are they easy to apply, but they're highly resistant to the cold and moisture (including the classic barroom condensation) that all bottled beers face. They start out as freezer-quality labels, which make them more durable.
Cheapie glued-on beer labels won't do for your liquid gold. Look to Etiquette Systems for the best beer labels you'll ever find.
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