Personal Care Labels

Beauty and personal care labels compete with food labels as one of the largest and liveliest label markets in the industry. We all need multiple products to keep us looking, smelling, and feeling good.
Beauty and personal care labels encompass a surprisingly wide range of products; not only is there a bustling market for custom conditioner and shampoo labels, lip balm labels, lotion bottle labels, and the like, custom candle labels also fall into this general category. That makes sense, if you think about it; rarely do we purchase candles for mere lighting. We buy them for pleasurable reasons. Like all the other labels in this category, custom candle labels have specific conditions they have to meet and substances they have to withstand, all of which we'll detail in their specific entries.
This brings us to the matter of custom squeezable bottle labels, which usually includes lotion bottle labels, shampoo bottle labels, many tube labels (for toothpaste, tooth polish, skin care products, and the like), and cosmetic bottle labels. Paper won't cut it for these types of labels: Squeezable labels have to be made from durable materials like BOPP, so they'll spring back into shape and last at least as long as the product. Since that means a lot of squeezes and the likelihood of spills, not only do the substrates used have to be tough, so do the inks and adhesives.
At Etiquette Systems, we pride ourselves on providing our customers with the very best beauty and personal care labels to be found in the industry. We have extensive experience in producing all the major types, from big squeezable bottle labels that hold up to rugged use to little lip balm labels. We're ready, willing, and able to get moving on your order right awayl. Just send us your information, and we'll get a quote back to you ASAP.