Smoothie Labels

Don't you just love smoothies? There's nothing like downing a cold mixture of fruit and veggie juices, providing both relief from the heat and outstanding nutrition at the same time. It's almost like a meal in a glass, a healthy milkshake if you will, and they're as just as fun to slurp through a straw.
We're big fans of not just smoothies, but of smoothie labels too. We can provide both blank labels for you to print your own, or better yet, custom smoothie labels including everything from your special logo to all the nutritional and legal information required for the products you sell. One of the great things about our blank and custom smoothie labels alike is that all our labels are both moisture and cold resistant, and you won't have to worry about abrasion, either. Add our special inks, and you've got the perfect smoothie labels, able to chill with the cold, ice, and condensation with no problem. Contact us today for a quote.
Meanwhile, watch out for those brain-freezes!